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Garage Heaters

Garage Heaters

The difference between a garage as an unkempt storeroom when even the car is displaced to the driveway and a garage as a workroom or exercise room is often a garage heater. In northern and temperate climates electric garage heaterscan turn unusable space to valuable space for hobbyists and auto mechanics. Clutter is kept out of the living space. Heaters can be turned on when projects are worked on and off when it’s time to put down the tools.

  • Baseboard Garage Heaters
    Starting at $84.99

    Baseboard Garage Heaters

    When the garage is used occasionally for work projects, baseboard garage heaters can be used to provide a fast source of temporary heat. Or, they can be thermostatically controlled to protect contents from extremes in temperature that can cause damaging condensation and rust.

  • Electric Garage Heaters
    Starting at $29.99

    Electric Garage Heaters

    Electric garage heaters work much like electric space heaters. Selecting the type that suits you best depends on the size of the space you are heating and how you want the heat directed. Several types of electric garage heaters are available.